Hero Store: Hobbycraft Loughton | #ShopfloorHeroes
For this week's #ShopfloorHeroes blogpost we wanted to feature Hobbycraft Loughton as our hero store for their hard work on Twitter over the past year! The store take their time to create quality broadcasts to share with their followers and consistently include some fantastic imagery. Additionally, store colleague Millie is well and truly one of our #ShopfloorHeroes for the awesome content she creates! Millie consistently ensures to use personal sign-offs on all of her tweets which work to let local followers know who is tweeting on behalf of the store. It is also lovely to see a variety of the store's colleagues happy to be featured on store Twitter too!
The store often welcome their customers by letting them know what the stores opening times are. Including short videos of colleagues is a great way to add a more personal touch and give a warm and welcoming feeling to store Twitter too:
As mentioned it is also great to see store colleagues really on-board with store Twitter by featuring in product feature/ offer photos. This works to create a more eye-catching broadcast which will hopefully encourage followers to head into store!
The store consistently provide their customers with useful information about offers and opening times whilst ensuring to be super up-beat in their copy, this is great!
We hope that you have enjoyed this week’s #ShopfloorHeroes blogpost! To find out more about how we can create #ShopfloorHeroes within your organisation, please email us at hello@socialretailgroup.com or click here and we will call you back.