#ShopfloorHeroes | Coffee #1
Store colleague Alex from Coffee #1 at the Friary in Cardiff is a shop floor hero!
Earlier this year in April, the #ShopfloorHeroes blogpost series was born. We created this series because we wanted to bring the focus back to the awesome talent of shop floor workers.
In the past few months we have exclusively featured our awesome client Hobbycraft. Recently we've been thinking how great it would be to use this platform to recognise shop floor workers from other businesses as well.
We recently came across an awesome conversation on Coffee #1's Twitter page which featured a customer tweeting about the great customer service they received from store colleague Alex whilst at Coffee #1 at the Friary in Cardiff.
Seeing this awesome conversation reminded us why we built our Shopfloor Engage app and got us thinking how great it would be to feature the shop floor colleague mentioned on our blogpost.
We decided to reach out to Alex and ask her a few questions about the great customer service she is giving Coffee #1's customers.
How long have you worked at the store?
Alex told us that she has worked at the Friary store in Cardiff for three years.
How important is it for you to provide great customer service to the store's customers?
Alex mentioned she feels that providing great customer service to customers is the most important thing because without customers, shops would not be open. Alex said she wants customers to come into store, relax and also have people smiling.
How do you feel about customers tweeting about the customer service they have received in store?
Alex said that she feels it is great to get recognised for doing a good job when she is getting on with her normal everyday work tasks and she likes hearing feedback from customers.
She thinks all aspects of hearing back from customers through social media are great, whether this be through Facebook or Twitter. She mentioned it is lovely to hear that someone has appreciated the service.
Do you get rewarded or recognised internally for providing great customer service?
Alex said in this circumstance she did receive appreciation from her store managers and area managers.
Alex's comment that 'providing great customer service to customers is the most important thing' is a statement that we at SocialRetail group completely agree with and is one of the reasons why we are excited to recognise more hard-working shop floor workers going forward.
We think that it is awesome to see store colleagues providing great customer service not only on the shop floor but also through responding to customers on social media too. Check out some of our other blogposts featuring some great conversations that Hobbycraft's #ShopfloorHeroes have had with their customers on Twitter!
If you know any awesome #ShopfloorHeroes we would love to feature them on our blog or on our social platforms. Tweet us using #ShopfloorHeroes and we will check it out!